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Dewey Decimal Classification Subject Areas
000 Generalities
001 Knowledge
001.4 Riset
002 The book
003 Systems
004 Data processing Computer science
005 Computer programming, programs, data
006 Special computer methods
010 Bibliography
020 Library and information sciences
021 Library relationships
022 Administration of the physical plant
023 Personnel administration
025 Library operations
026 Libraries for specific subjects
027 General libraries
028 Reading, use of other information media
030 General encyclopedic works
050 General serials and their indexes
060 General organization and museology
070 News media, journalism, publishing
080 General collections
090 Manuscripts and rare books
100 Philosophy and psychology
101 Theory of philosophy
103 Dictionaries of philosophy
105 Serial publications of philosophy
106 Organizations of philosophy
107 Education, research in philosophy
108 Kinds of persons in philosophy
109 Historical treatment of philosophy
110 Metaphysics
113 Cosmology (Philosophy of nature)
116 Change
119 Number and quantity
120 Epistemology, causation, humankind
121 Epistemology (Theory of knowledge)
123 Determinism and indeterminism
124 Teleology
126 The self
128 Humankind
130 Paranormal phenomena
131 Occult methods for achieving well-being
133 Parapsychology and occultism
135 Dreams and mysteries
140 Specific philosophical schools
141 Idealism and related systems
144 Humanism and related systems
148 Liberalism, eclecticism, traditionalism
149 Other philosophical systems
150 Psychology
152 Perception, movement, emotions, drives
153 Mental processes and intelligence
154 Subconscious and altered states
155 Differential and developmental psychology
155.2 Individual Psychology
155.3 Sex Psychology
155.4 Child Psychology
155.5 Psychology of Young People
155.6 Psychology of Adults
155.9042 Stress
156 Comparative psychology
158 Applied psychology
158.1 Personal Improvement and Analysis
158.2 Interpersonal Relations
158.3 Counseling and Interviewing
160 Logic
161 Induction
169 Analogy
170 Ethics (Moral philosophy)
171 Systems and doctrines
172 Political ethics
173 Ethics of family relationships
174 Economic and professional ethics
176 Ethics of sex and reproduction
177 Ethics of social relations
178 Ethics of consumption
179 Other ethical norms
200 Religion
201 Philosophy of Christianity
202 Miscellany of Christianity
203 Dictionaries of Christianity
204 Special topics
205 Serial publications of Christianity
206 Organizations of Christianity
207 Education, research in Christianity
208 Kinds of persons in Christianity
209 History and geography of Christianity
210 Natural theology
211 Concepts of God
212 Existence, attributes of God
215 Science and religion
230 Christian theology
234 Salvation (Soteriology) and grace
235 Spiritual beings
240 Christian moral and devotional theology
241 Moral theology
260 Christian social theology
261 Social theology
268 Religious education
269 Spiritual renewal
280 Christian denominations and sects
284 Protestants of Continental origin
290 Other and comparative religions
291 Comparative religion
292 Classical (Greek and Roman) religion
294 Religions of Indic origin
296 Judaism
297 Islam and religions originating in it
297.01 Philosophy and Theory of Islam
297.05 Serial Publications of Islam
297.09 Historical, Geographic of Islam
297.1 Sources of Islam
297.12 Al-Quran and Hadith
297.122 Al-Quran
297.1221 Origin and Authenticity
297.1224 Recitation and Reading
297.1227 Pendidikan Al Qur'an
297.125 Hadits
297.1251 Study of Text of Hadith
297.1254 Compilation of Hadiths (Hadith books)
297.12542 Muslim
297.14 Religious Ceremonial Laws and Decisions
297.2 Islam Doctrinal Theology, Aqaid and Kalam
297.21 God and spiritual beings
297.26 Islam and secular disciplines
297.261 Islam and philosophy
297.265 Islam and natural science
297.266 Islam and technology
297.27 Islam and social sciences
297.272 Islam and politics, fundamentalism
297.273 Islam and economics
297.28 Islam and other believes
297.284 Islam and religions of Indic origin
297.3 Islamic Worship / Ibadah
297.31 Pillars of Islam
297.38 Rites, prayer
297.4 Sufism
297.41 Sufi theology
297.45 Sufi ethics
297.5 Islamic ethics, practice
297.53 Sawm, fasting (selain Ramadhan, puasa sunnah)
297.54 Zakat
297.56 Specific moral issues
297.57 Religious experience, life, practice
297.577 Marriage and family life
297.6 Islamic history
297.61 Islamic leaders
297.63 Muhammad the Prophet
297.65 Organizations of Islam
297.7 Propagation of Islam
297.74 Dakwah
297.77 Islamic religious education
297.8 Islamic sects
297.81 Sunnities
297.82 Shiities
299 Other religions
2x0 Islam (Umum)
2x0.1 Islam dan Filsafat
2x0.3 Islam dan Ilmu Sosial
2x0.5 Islam dan Ilmu Murni
2x0.6 Islam dan Teknologi
2x0.7 Islam dan Kesenian
2x0.9 Islam dan Bidang Lainnya
2x1 Al Qur'an dan Ilmu Berkaitan
2x1.01 Filsafat, Teori, Metodologi Al Qur'an
2x1.02 Aneka ragam Al Qur'an (statistik, direktori, dll)
2x1.03 Kamus, ensiklopedi, konkordans Al Qur'an
2x1.04 TOpik Khusus
2x1.07 Pendidikan, Pelatihan, Riset Al Qur'an
2x1.08 Sejarah dan deskripsi Al Qur'an
2x1.1 Ilmu Al Qur'an
2x1.11 Asbabun Nuzul
2x1.12 Ilmu Qiraat (termasuk macam qiraat dan tajwid)
2x1.13 Gramatika (Maani, Majaz, Amsal)
2x1.14 I'jazul Qur'an (termasuk Keaslian)
2x1.17 Gharib Al Qur'an
2x1.18 Rasm Al Qur'an
2x1.19 Ilmu Al Qur'an Lainnya
2x1.2 Al Qur'an dan Terjemah
2x1.3 Tafsir Al Qur'an
2x1.31 Ilmu Tafsir
2x1.32 Tafsur Sunni (Tahlili, Bil Ma'tsur, Bir Ra'yi, Falsafi, Sufi)
2x1.34 Tafsir Mu'tazilah (Muqaran)
2x1.39 Tafsir Lainnya
2x1.4 Kumpulan Ayat dan Surat Tertentu
2x1.5 Kritik dan Komentar Mengenai Al Qur'an
2x1.6 Kandungan Al Qur'an
2x1.7 Musabaqoh Tilawatil Qur'an
2x1.9 Sejarah Al Qur'an
2x2 Hadits dan Ilmu Yang Berkaitan
2x2.1 Ilmu Hadits (Termasuk Mustalah Hadits)
2x2.2 Kumpulan hadits/ Musnad / Sunan
2x2.3 Kumpulan Hadits Bidang Tertentu
2x2.4 Kumpulan Hadits Berdasarkan Derajat/ Tingkat/ Macam
2x2.5 Kritik Hadits
2x2.6 Cerita-Cerita Hadits
2x2.9 Sejarah Pengumpulan, Penulisan Hadits
2x3 Aqaid dan Ilmu Kalam
2x3.01 Filsafat, teori Aqaid dan ilmu kalam
2x3.07 Pendidikan, Penelitian Aqaid dan ilmu kalam
2x3.08 Sejarah dan deskripsi ahli Aqaid dan ilmu kalam
2x3.1 Iman Kepada Allah
2x3.2 Malaikat
2x3.3 Kitab-Kitab Allah
2x3.4 Nabi dan Rasul
2x3.5 Hari Akhir (Kiamat)
2x3.6 Qada dan Qadar
2x3.7 Kepercayaan mengenai hal tertentu
2x3.8 Akidah Menurut Sekte Tertentu
2x3.9 Islam tentang Agama/ Aliran Lain
2x4. Fiqih
2x4.01 Filsafat Tasyri
2x4.02 Ushul Fiqih
2x4.1 Ibadah
2x4.11 Bersuci (Taharah)
2x4.12 Shalat
2x4.13 Puasa dan Aspek lainnya( Wajib, Sunah, lailatul Qadar dll))
2x4.14 Zakat
2x4.1406 Manajemen Zakat
2x4.141 Zakat Fitrah
2x4.142 Zakat Mal (Ternak, Emas, Perak, Uang, Perniagaan)
2x4.143 Zakat Pendapatan (Profesi, Pertanian, Perikanan, Rikaz dll)
2x4.144 Penerima Zakat (Mustahiq)
2x4.149 Zakat lainnya
2x4.15 Haji dan Umrah
2x4.16 Masalah berkaitan orang sakit dan Jenazah (Orang mati)
2x4.17 Qurban dan Aqiqah
2x4.2 Muamalah
2x4.21 Jual Beli (Termasuk Salam dan Lelang)
2x4.22 Pinjam meminjam (Ariyah, Riba, Sewa, Hiwalah, Rahn, Jialah, Asuransi, Dhoman)
2x4.23 Perjanjian (Perburuhan, Tanah, Wadiah Kafalah)
2x4.24 Persekutuan (Syirkah, Qirad, Mudhorobah, Murabahah, Musaqoh, Muzaroah)
2x4.25 Pemberian (Termasuk Sadaqah dan Wakaf)
2x4.27 Bank (BMT)
2x4.28 Perbandingan Hukum Bidang Muamalat dan Hukum Lain
2x4.29 Aspek Muamalah lain (Taflis, Ihya ul mawaat, Ujroh (upah)Hajr, Luqatah, Kharaj, Jizyah)
2x4.3 Munakahat
2x4.31 Nikah (Nasab, RUkun, Akad, Maskawin, Mut'ah dll)
2x4.32 Nusyuz dan Syiqaq
2x4.33 Perceraian
2x4.34 Iddah
2x4.35 Rujuk
2x4.36 Hak dan Kewajiban Suami-Istri (Nafaqoh)
2x4.37 Menyusui dan Mengasuh
2x4.38 Perbandingan Munakahat dengan Hkum Perkawinan LainAspek
2x4.39 Aspek Munakahat lain (KB, Bayi tabung dll)
2x4.4 Waris (Faraid) dan Wasiat
2x4.5 Jinayat (Pidana Islam)
2x4.6 Qada (Peradilan)
2x4.7 Hukum Internasional
2x4.8 Fiqih dari Berbagai Faham/ Mazhab
2x4.9 Aspek Fiqih lainnya
2x5 Akhlak dan Tasawuf
2x5.1 Akhlak
2x5.11 Akhlak berdasarkan naqli
2x5.12 Akhlak berdasarkan aqli
2x5.2 Tasawuf
2x5.21 Jenis Tasawuf
2x5.22 Ajaran Tasawuf
2x5.23 Tingkatan Tasawuf
2x5.3 Tarekat
2x5.31 Qadiriyah
2x5.32 Naqsyabandiyah
2x5.34 Syadziliyah
2x5.35 Syatariyah
2x5.38 Perbandingan antara Tarekat yang satu dengan lainya
2x5.39 Tarekat-tarekat lainya
2x5.4 Do'a dan Zikir
2x4.52 Istighosah
2x5.41 Salawat
2x6 Sosial dan Budaya
2x6.1 Masyarakat Islam
2x6.11 Sistem
2x6.12 Struktur
2x6.13 Interaksi Sosial
2x6.14 Perubahan Sosial
2x6.15 Kelompok Sosial
2x6.16 Stratifikasi Sosial
2x6.17 Pelayanan kepada Masyarakat
2x6.2 Politik
2x6.21 Negara Islam
2x6.22 Sistem Pemerintahan
2x6.23 Ideologi Negara
2x6.3 Ekonomi
2x6.31 Ekonomi Perburuhan
2x6.32 Ekonomi Keuangan
2x6.34 Koperasi
2x6.4 Kedudukan Wanita dalam Islam
2x6.5 Masjid
2x6.6 Organisasi
2x6.61 Organisasi Sosial
2x6.62 Organisasi Politik
2x6.63 Organisasi Kepemudaan dan Kemahasiswaan
2x6.64 Organisasi Wanita
2x6.65 Organisasi Profesi
2x6.68 Organisasi Buruh
2x6.7 Kesenian dan Kebudayaan
2x6.71 Seni Sastra
2x6.72 Arsitektur
2x6.73 Seni Rupa
2x6.74 Dekorasi dan Seni Lukis
2x6.75 Fotografi
2x6.76 Khat dan Kaligrafi
2x6.78 Seni Musik, Seni Suara, Seni Tari
2x6.79 Seni Drama, Sinetron, Film
2x6.8 Perpustakaan dan Museum
2x6.81 Pusat Informasi Islam
2x6.82 Perpustakaan Masjid
2x6.85 Jaringan Informasi Islam
2x6.9 Adat Istiadat
2x6.92 Peringatan Hari Besar
2X6.921 Maulid Nabi
2X6.924 Tahun Baru Islam
2x6.93 Folklore
2x6.94 Adat Istiadat setempat
2x7 Filsafat dan Perkembangan
2x7.1 Filsafat
2x7.11 Dasar dan Sistem Filsafat Islam
2x7.12 Epistemologi
2x7.15 Psikologi Agama Islam
2x7.17 Kritik terhadap Filsafat Islam
2x7.2 Dakwah
2x7.2019 Psikologi Dakwah
2x7.21 Fungsionaris Dakwah : Wali, Ulama, Muballig, Da'i
2x7.22 Masyarakat Dakwah, Obyek Dakwah
2x7.23 Materi Dakwah
2x7.24 Metode, Media dan Sarana Dakwah
2x7.25 Kritik Dakwah
2x7.26 Komunikasi Dakwah
2x7.3 Pendidikan
2x7.31 Metoda dan Sistem Pendidikan
2x7.32 Bustanul Atfal dan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
2x7.3201 Pengajaran dan Staf Pengajar
2x7.3202 Administrasi dan Manajemen
2x7.3203 Metodologi
2x7.3204 Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan
2x7.3205 Disiplin Sekolah
2x7.3206 Gedung
2x7.3207 Kesehatan dan Keamanan
2x7.3208 Peserta Didik
2x7.3209 Kurikulum
2x7.321 Bustanul Atfal
2x7.322 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
2x7.33 Madrasah Tsanawiyah dan Aliyah
2x7.3301 Pengajaran dan Staf Pengajar
2x7.3302 Administrasi dan Manajemen
2x7.3303 Metodologi
2x7.3304 Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan
2x7.3305 Disiplin Sekolah
2x7.3307 Kesehatan dan Keamanan
2x7.3308 Peserta Didik
2x7.3309 Kurikulum
2x7.331 Tsanawiyah
2x7.332 Aliyah
2x7.34 Pendidikan Non Formal
2x7.341 Pesantren
2x7.342 TPA dan TKA
2x7.343 Majelis Ta'lim
2x7.344 Pendidikan Keterampilan Khusus
2x7.345 Komunitas Belajar Lainnya
2x7.346 Sekolah Luar Biasa (Difabel)
2x7.35 Kurikulum
2x7.36 Pendidikan Wanita
2x7.37 Perbandingan sistem pendidikan Islam dengan sistem pendidikan lainya
2x7.38 Pendidikan Tinggi
2x7.381 Prinsip Umum
2x7.382 Administrasi dan Manajemen
2x7.383 Metodologi
2x7.384 Bimbingan dan penyuluhan
2x7.385 Disiplin
2x7.386 Gedung
2x7.387 Kesehatan dan Keamanan
2x7.388 Mahasiswa
2x7.389 Kurikulum
2x7.4 Pemurnian dan Pembaharuan Pemikiran
2x7.5 Pers Islam
2x8 Aliran dan Sekte
2x8.1 Ahlussunnah Wal jamaah
2x8.2 Syi'ah
2x8.3 Mu'tazilah
2x8.5 Qadiriyah dan Jabariyah
2x8.7 Ahmadiyah
2x8.9 Aliran dan Sekte yang timbul kemudian
2x9 Sejarah Islam dan Biografi
2x9.1 Zaman Nabi Muhammad saw
2x9.2 Khulafaurrasyidin
2x9.3 Daulah Umawiyah
2x9.4 Daulah Abbasiyah
2x9.5 Daulah-daulah lain
2x9.6 Perkembangan Islam di berbagai negeri setelah 1800
2x9.8 Biografi tokoh-tokoh/pemuka-pemuka Islam
2x9.9 Peta Sejarah Islam
300 Social sciences
301 Sociology and anthropology
302 Social interaction
303 Social processes
304 Factors affecting social behavior
305 Social groups
306 Culture and institutions
306.2 Political Institutions
306.3 Economic Institutions
306.6 Religious Institutions
306.81 Marriage (Perkawinan)
306.85 Family (Keluarga)
307 Communities
310 General statistics
315 General statistics Of Asia
320 Political science
321 Systems of governments and states
323 Civil and political rights
324 The political process
327 International relations
328 The legislative process
330 Economics
331 Labor economics
332 Financial economics
332.1 Bank (Termasuk Kartu kredit, Tabungan, Deposito dll)
332.2 Lembaga Perbankan Khusus
332.3 Lembaga Kredit dan Pinjaman
332.4 Uang (termasuk Valuta, Kebijakan Moneter, Inflasi dll)
332.6 Investasi
332.7 Kredit
332.8 Bunga (termasuk diskonto dan Riba)
333 Land economics
334 Cooperatives
335 Socialism and related systems
336 Public finance
337 International economics
338 Production
339 Macroeconomics and related topics
340 Law
341 International law
342 Constitutional and administrative law
343 Military, tax, trade, industrial law
344 Social, labor, welfare, and related law
345 Criminal law
346 Private law (perdata)
346.01 Marriage law
346.02 Contracts laws
346.04 Property
346.05 Inheritance (Hukum Waris)
346.07 Commercial Law
346.08 Banking & Insurance Law
347 Civil procedure and courts
347.01 Courts (Pengadilan)
347.02 Pengadilan Negeri
347.05 Hukum Acara Perdata
347.06 Barang Bukti Perdata
348 Law (Statutes), regulations, cases
348.3 Specific Jurisdiction (Undang-undang dan Peraturan)
348.598 Law of Indonesia (UU, Peraturan di Indonesia)
349 Law of specific jurisdictions and areas
350 Public administration
351 Of central governments
352 Of local governments
354 Of specific central governments
360 Social services; association
361 General social problems and services
362 Social welfare problems and services
362.1 Service of Physical illnes
362.2 Service of Mental illness
362.3 Service of Mental Retardation
362.4 Service of People with Physical Disabilities
362.5 Problem and Service to the Poor
362.6 Service to Person in Late Adulthood (Lansia)
362.7 Problem and Service to Young People (Anak dan Remaja)
362.8 Problem and Service to Other Groups
362.9 Historical, Geographical, Person Treatmen of Social Welfare
363 Other social problems and services
364 Criminology
365 Penal and related institutions
366 Association
368 Insurance
369 Miscellaneous kinds of associations
370 Education
370.1 Phylosophy and Theory of Education
370.15 Psychology of Education
370.19 Sociology of Education
370.2 Miscellany of Education
370.5 General Publications of Education
370.6 Organization of Education
370.7 Research and Statistical Methods
371 School management; special education
371.1 Teachers and Teaching
371.102 Teaching
371.12 Professional Qualifications of Teacher
371.2 School Administration and Management
371.3 Methods of Instruction and Study
371.33 Tools, Equipment and Teaching Materials
371.36 Project Methods
371.4 Student Guidance and Counseling
371.5 School Discipline
371.6 Physical Plants of School
371.7 Student Welfare
371.8 Students
371.9 Special Education (Difables)
372 Elementary education
372.1 Early Childhood Education
372.2 Elementary School
372.3 Science for Elementary Education
372.4 Reading
372.5 Creative Arts for Elementary Education
372.6 Language Skills for Elementary Education
372.7 Mathematics for Elementary Education
372.8 Other Studies for Elementary Education
372.9 Historical, Geographic, Person Treatment of Elementary Education
373 Secondary education
374 Adult education
375 Curriculums
376 Education of women
377 Schools and religion
378 Higher education
379 Government regulation, control, support
380 Commerce, communications, transport
381 Internal commerce (Domestic trade)
383 Postal communication
384 Communications Telecommunication
385 Railroad transportation
388 Transportation Ground transportation
390 Customs, etiquette, folklore
391 Costume and personal appearance
392 Customs of life cycle and domestic life
393 Death customs
394 General customs
395 Etiquette (Manners)
398 Folklore
400 Language
401 Philosophy and theory
402 Miscellany
403 Dictionaries and encyclopedias
404 Special topics
405 Serial publications
406 Organizations and management
407 Education, research, related topics
408 With respect to kinds of persons
409 Geographical and persons treatment
410 Linguistics
411 Writing systems
412 Etymology
413 Dictionaries
414 Phonology
415 Structural systems (Grammar)
417 Dialectology and historical linguistics
418 Standard usage Applied linguistics
419 Verbal language not spoken or written
420 English and Old English
420.1 Filsafat, Teori, Metodologi
420.7 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
421 English writing system and phonology
421.01 Filsafat, teori dan Metodologi
421.07 Pendidikan, Pelatihan Menulis Bahasa Inggris
422 English etymology
423 English dictionaries
425 English grammar
427 English language variations
428 Standard English usage
490 Other languages
492 Afro-Asiatic languages Semitic
492.7 Bahasa Arab
492.707 Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
492.72 Tata Bahasa Arab
492.727 Pendidikan Tata Bahasa Arab
495 Languages of East and Southeast Asia
496 African languages
500 Natural sciences and mathematics
501 Philosophy and theory
502 Miscellany
503 Dictionaries and encyclopedias
505 Serial publications
506 Organizations and management
507 Education, research, related topics
508 Natural history
509 Historical, areas, persons treatment
510 Mathematics
510.7 Pendidikan Matematika
512 Algebra and number theory
513 Arithmetic
515 Analysis
516 Geometry
519 Probabilities and applied mathematics
520 Astronomy and allied sciences
522 Techniques, equipment, materials
530 Physics
539 Modern physics
540 Chemistry and allied sciences
541 Physical and theoretical chemistry
544 Qualitative analysis
545 Quantitative analysis
550 Earth sciences
553 Economic geology
570 Life sciences
572 Human races
576 Microbiology
577 General nature of life
600 Technology (Applied sciences)
601 Philosophy and theory
602 Miscellany
604 Special topics
605 Serial publications
606 Organizations
607 Education, research, related topics
608 Invention and patents
609 Historical, areas, persons treatment
610 Medical sciences Medicine
612 Human physiology
613 Promotion of health
614 Incidence and prevention of disease
615 Pharmacology and theraputics
616 Diseases
617 Surgery and related medical specialities
619 Experimental medicine
620 Engineering and allied operations
621 Applied physics
630 Agriculture
631 Techniques, equipment, materials
635 Garden crops (Horticulture)
640 Home economics and family living
641 Food and drink
643 Housing and household equipment
646 Sewing, clothing, personal living
647 Management of public households
649 Child rearing and home care of sick
650 Management and auxiliary services
651 Office services
652 Processes of written communication
657 Accounting
658 General management
658.1 Organization Management
658.2 Manajemen Pabrik
658.3 Manajemen Personalia
658.5 Manajemen Produksi
658.8 Marketing
659 Advertising and public relations
660 Chemical engineering
661 Industrial chemicals technology
664 Food technology
670 Manufacturing
671 Metalworking and metal products
676 Pulp and paper technology
679 Other products of specific materials
680 Manufacture for specific uses
687 Clothing
690 Buildings
700 The arts
701 Philosophy and theory
702 Miscellany
704 Special topics
705 Serial publications
706 Organizations and management
707 Education, research, related topics
708 Galleries, museums, private collections
709 Historical, areas, persons treatment
720 Architecture
727 Buildings for education and research
740 Drawing and decorative arts
741 Drawing and drawings
743 Drawing and drawings by subject
745 Decorative arts
746 Textile arts
750 Painting and paintings
752 Color
754 Genre paintings
760 Graphic arts Printmaking and prints
770 Photography and photographs
771 Techniques, equipment, materials
779 Photographs
780 Music
780.013 Aspek Tertentu dari Musik
782 Vocal music
790 Recreational and performing arts
791 Public performances
791.4 Film, Radio, Televisi
791.4301 Filsafat, Teori, Estetika
791.4302 Aspek tertentu dari Film (gambar hidup)
791.4402 Aspek tertentu dari Radio
791.4502 Aspek tertentu dari televisi
792 Stage presentations
793 Indoor games and amusements
794 Indoor games of skill
795 Games of chance
796 Athletic and outdoor sports and games
800 Literature and rhetoric
801 Philosophy and theory
802 Miscellany
803 Dictionaries and encyclopedias
805 Serial publications
806 Organizations
807 Education, research, related topics
808 Rhetoric and collections of literature
809 Literary history and criticism
810 Kesusatraan Indonesia
811 Puisi, Sajak
812 Drama
813 Fiction
814 Essays
817 Satire and humor
818 Miscellaneous writings
819 Kesusatraan Daerah
820 English and Old English literatures
828 English miscellaneous writings
840 Literatures of Romance languages
890 Literatures of other languages
895 Literatures of East and Southeast Asia
899 Other literatures
900 Geography and history
906 Organizations and management
907 Education, research, related topics
908 With respect to kinds of persons
909 World history
910 Geography and travel
911 Historical geography
915 Asia
920 Biography, genealogy, insignia
929 Genealogy, names, insignia
950 General history of Asia Far East
951 General history of Asia China and adjacent areas
953 General history of Asia Arabian Peninsula and adjacent areas
959 General history of Asia Southeast Asia
990 General history of other areas