Logistic Regression on the Data of Lecturer Performance Index on IAIN Purwokerto

mutijah, mutijah (2018) Logistic Regression on the Data of Lecturer Performance Index on IAIN Purwokerto. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Mathematics and Islam. pp. 265-270. ISSN 978-989-758-407-7

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This paper concerns to analyze the relationship between independent variables, including age, categories of lecturer, assessment components which they are each related, and a dependent variable lecturer performance index (LPI) using logistic regression. The background led this research is the exposure of LPI stated that the young lecturers, internal lecturers of Not State Civil Apparatus (NSCA), obtain small values of LPI and IAIN Purwokerto makes groups of LPI are not fine and fine performance. The steps in data analysis i.e. make simple graphs to plotting data, make tables, calculate data, model the logistic regression and interpret the result. There are three categories of lecturers i.e. State Civil Apparatus (SCA), Internal Lecturer Not SCA (NSCA), and External Lecturer (EL) with ages between 26.00 and 65.58 years old. The assessment component of LPI consists of Department’s Assessment and Student’s Assessment. The results show that, using binary logistic regression, the effect of age of lecturer is not significant, the effect of the lecturer category is significant with the 95% confidence interval is (0.3168, 1.0772), the department assessment is significant with the 95% confidence interval is (0.9008, 2.7432), and the student assessment is significant with the 95% confidence interval is (0.0770, 3.0130)

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Price, index, data, stock, empirical, monthly, microsoft, aggregative, regression.
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 510 Mathematics > 515 Analysis
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Pendidikan > Tadris Matematika
Depositing User: Mutijah Mutijah sdri
Date Deposited: 06 Apr 2023 07:31
Last Modified: 22 Jun 2023 18:09
URI: http://repository.uinsaizu.ac.id/id/eprint/18595

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